


==顶刊/子刊==:这部分GIS方向其实很难发,大多是偏自然地理和纯科学的方向更容易发,目前我看的做大数据方向有发的期刊是Nature Sustainbility, Nature Communications, One Earth, Nature Human Behaviour

  1. Nature, Science, PNAS

  2. Nature Energy, Naure Climate Change, Nature Sustainbility, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

  3. Nature Geoscience, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Human Behaviour, Nature machine intelligence

  4. Science Advance, Nature Communications, One Earth(Open)

  5. 新刊:Nature Water, Communications Earth & Environment

  6. 新更名期刊:npj humanities and social sciences communications


  1. RSE, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TGRS(IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing), JAG(IJ Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation)
  2. Global Environmental Change, Earth’s Future, GRL, Remote Sensing Letters, ERL...

==数据类期刊顶刊==:Scientific Data, ESSD


  1. 中文:地理学报、地球信息科学学报、武汉大学学报-信息科学版
  2. 综合性:Science Bulletion
  3. AAG(Annals of the Association of American Geographers), IJGIS
  4. TGIS, GIScience & Remote Sensing, IJDE, Geo-spatial Information Science(武大信息学报英文版), Journal of Geographical Sciences(地理学报英文版),
  5. Geographical Analysis, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, IJGI(三区)
  6. Geography and Sustainability, Geocarto International, Annals of GIS


  1. Sustainable Cities and Society, Cities, Landscape and Urban Planning, Land Use Policy
  2. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
  3. Computers in Human Behavior, Computers & Geosciences


  1. Global Change Biology, Water Research, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Environmental Science & Technology
  2. JEM, JCP, SOTE,Journal of Environmental Sciences, Ecological Indicators(较多)
  3. Tourism Management, Tourism Geographies, Current Issues in Tourism


  1. Weather and Climate Extremes(偏自然)气象类的顶刊很多但我接触很少
  2. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
  3. NHESS, Natural Hazards Review, Journal of Disaster Research, Progress in Disaster Science